Take a new course in life

A Subconscious Composition

I want to share this poem with you and then take an opportunity to expand on it a little bit further.


Incision of Light

With a vision of my mission, I can make a new decision

Accept divine commission and execute with precision

This here is my admission: Heal thy self, thy physician


A subconscious composition, perpetual path to perdition

Set fast through repetition, man’s religion of superstition

It’s the space of opposition, the submission of suspicion

The greed for acquisition and indulgence of inhibition

  Slow reduction of nutrition, and we call it a tradition


   Only divine recognition avoids the addition of collision


   Light the way of transition out of a space of competition

   Into a co-creative coalition of truly loving and forgiving

   To walk a holy expedition of a life lived with right living

   And a righteous ambition for the wisdom of right giving

   I give myself permission to listen to my voice of intuition


   Life will provide provision for a shiny brand-new edition

   Of my puzzle piece position as one heavenly technician

   For loving without condition is all I need for ammunition

                                                                         – Rajazuhl


I sat down with this list of over forty words that rhymed with the –ission sound. Within two hours of writing and editing, what came together with these words reflects well what is moving with me in the current of my meditations. It’s amazing to witness the inner process of spirit moving through the mind and coming out as something physical. One of my friends spoke of it as the invisible moving through the inner to express in the outer.


If I have a vision of my mission, some idea, some little bit of sight or an inkling of knowing of why I am here, what my purpose is and what I am here to do inside of this world; then I can move forward. I can make a new decision. I can execute with precision. I can make choices based off of what I know as my truth about who I am and why I am here, what I am here to do. The more I make choices, and the more I actually take action with those choices, the greater that vision becomes. I can see more and more of who I am and why I am here, the part that I play in the greater whole.

And yet I also have to admit that the reasons that I am not already, to a greater degree, playing my part is because I am in my own way, in whatever way. That is the only reason. Everything is designed to flow from spirit, through mind, out into the physical, unless we get in the way of our own channel for that flow. So that is my responsibility. Anytime I find myself putting it out on someone or something else as the blame for me not having the fullest experience of life in who I am, I am giving away my power. So I have to heal myself first. Heal thy self, thy physician.

But what is it that I am healing? Now, here is where the paradox comes in, the dichotomy. I am responsible for healing myself, and yet, because of the machinery of the mind, there are things that I actually cannot really heal. They are outside of my conscious control. The mind is a very powerful tool, it has amazing abilities, and yet there is something above it that is even more powerful: the spiritual realm. I have a conscious mind and I have a subconscious mind, and the subconscious mind is of service to my conscious mind, where I have awareness, choice, free will, logic and reasoning. The subconscious rules over the realms of memories, feelings, habits, and belief paradigms. And the conscious mind is the programmer of it, whether aware of it or not. Whatever gets programmed in there keeps running, just like a computer program playing in the background of the mind.

And let’s be honest here humans, some of our programs are pretty distorted from the divine design. We’ve got governments and religions and

cultures and families and entertainments and education and financials—all the systems. There are distortions everywhere. All of our parents and teachers, all those we interact with day by day–everybody’s doing their best and yet humanity has been passing down distortions for a long time. We can learn and evolve and re-write new programs into our mind of how we want to be, what we want to create, and that is how we use the power of choice and cause change. But the old programs still keep coming up. Some of them have even been passed to us through our DNA via many generations of human consciousness imprinting genetic material. To the degree that we are asleep, we let those programs run, call it the ego and try to fight ourselves. But to the degree that we are awake, we choose whether we want to follow the pattern that is playing or not, the program. The conscious mind has the ability to program/re-program and that is a necessary conscious practice for accelerating awakening. It can also de-program, yet this can be a longer and more deliberating process. There is however one thing that the conscious mind can do to quantum accelerate the process of purification. That is to turn the attention within to the higher realms through the Spirit of Love, and express that outward. It is only the Spirit of Love, activated by the Love for Spirit, which can move through the inner mind and clear the programs.

Without it, what do we have? A perpetual path to perdition, always feeling lost and confused, like a victim, as if the world is against us. The space of opposition is the source of all conflict. You see, there is oneness, there is one reality, and there is also twoness—there are polarities, there are different ends of a spectrum which allows for contrasting and complementing variances. That is the world we live in. That is how we get to experience life as the vast dynamics of all the different expressions that exist between the two points. Yet the strongest point is in the middle, the balance point between the two ends, where the two come back into one. If we become polarized and we just stand on one end, looking in judgment at the other end, then one has to be right and one has to be wrong. Right? Or wrong?

The greed for acquisition and indulgence of inhibition

Slow reduction of nutrition, and we call it a tradition

Of course the holiday season has had some play in my mind through the weekend. I love the holiday season and yet I have an honest observation of how our culture has become. We do a pretty good job here at Sunrise. You know everybody thinks they do a pretty good job with themselves. But then we look outside and we do the little judgments against outside things. But what’s happening in our own collective culture? We’ve got a day devoted to filling ourselves as full as we can, and then a crazed spending spree fueled by good deals the next day. I am not in judgment of it, but it is wise to look at the other side of the coin, even though I also choose to focus on the side that is bringing me up and elevating my mind and spirits. We can absolutely instead, use the holiday to remind ourselves of the importance of gratitude and celebrating the harvest of our efforts.

Only divine recognition avoids the addition of collision. We have these patterns in our subconscious mind, individually and collectively. Those patterns are running because they were developed from distortions, probably at some early developmental point when we didn’t even realize what that word meant. We innocently learned, “Oh, you do this and then this happens, and so that’s how it works.” I’ll just program that there in the old subconscious and it’ll keep running for the rest of my life, even though we may grow to know that it doesn’t always work that way. We may have re-programmed ourselves over and again, yet it still comes up. So we have crashes in our life, between other people, and with life itself. And sometimes if feels like they just keep adding up.

The only way out of that is to recognize that there is something greater, something higher. There is spirit. To turn the heart and mind toward the spirit, in the spirit of response, with love to Love. That is what gratitude is really all about. It is giving thanks for the things that you have. Who are you giving thanks to? Yourself? “Great job, self—I created lots of things I really like in my life.” No, it is something higher that is working beyond our understanding and control, bringing things into place for a greater purpose, according to a higher design. We each definitely have our own creative responsibility, and there is something greater than what we commonly recognize as ourselves.

When we give thanks upwards, it allows an opening of the channel for that spirit of God to flow in and clear out all those cobwebs of programming inside of the basement of our minds. Something new can happen. It allows the space for the pure dwelling place, for the One Who Dwells, for the experience of Shekinah and holy divine living, if we choose to give thanks, love and allow. That is actually our job of meeting halfway. That is the healing of the self, by going to the source of healing. And that does take the choice that only we can provide for ourselves. It is a holographic world—it is all right here. We do not heal the world until we heal ourselves, because in truth, you can only help another to the degree that you have been able to help yourself first.

So let’s transition out of competition. It is not about fighting against any one other thing. It is about working together with every other thing. We can be a co-creative coalition, aligned and working together toward the common good. The more that we come into that collective creative space and focus on how one is truly living and truly giving, the faster we elevate. Because the more ambition we have for divine reality, the more we will push ourselves towards it, just like ambition for money or anything else.

As we learn and grow, we evolve. It’s happening individually and collectively. The self you knew yourself as is not the self you are coming to know yourself as. Everything changes. I am not the same person and so how I fit into the puzzle is not the same either. The picture also changes in life so that same puzzle piece from before wouldn’t fit the same anyway. The thing is I don’t have to figure it out or make myself into some shape in order to try to fit. This is all part of a greater plan and the more I allow it to unfold, I am letting myself perceive the divine design rather than trying to create my own. Life will provide provision if I listen to my intuition.

And there is no need to fight. But if you do find yourself in a conflict or challenge, the best ammunition is love without condition. Just love it all, and give thanks in all things. That love will help things that are out of place and out of balance find their way back into balance and rightful placements. The Spirit of Love does a way better job than we do at coordinating Life. But we personally have a lot of power as well. Our job is to meet it halfway by using our power wisely to come into a greater space of surrender to spiritual expression. And that is an every moment choice.


Gary Goodhue is a student and teacher of consciousness and creation. He focuses on bringing deep principles of Truth and Love into practical, every day application. The results are increased presence, clarity, peace, focus and power.


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