Take a new course in life

Alternative to this Apparent Impossibility

Pondering Standing Rock


Even so. Here we are—Living, Loving,
Nurturing a Creation not born of Ourselves alone.

That which stands Alive and Proud
In the face of such dark denial,
Impervious to ‘rational’ doubt and ‘sensible’ reason,
Must be Honored as Supremely Relevant
In Life’s greater Unfolding,
And accorded its Rightful Place.

The Strength of such Confidence,
The Pain of unseen future, of doubt,
Only steels the heart with greater Resolve
And brings Creative Power to bear
On withering assumptions and outdated beliefs,
With Unashamed Nakedness as an outcome!

The Heart surrounds Mind’s deficiency
With strong, resilient Compassion
Though Heart itself bears wounds
Of unkind, ungentle assault
And finds no rest within tumbling circumstance.

Where does the Strength to just Keep Going
Reside in this troubled World –
Surely not just from Within but from Another Place,
Deeper than Within,
Above, beyond this terrestrial norm,
Transcendent place of Peace and Light
Where all paradox finds Rest, Resolve and Relevance.

Despite complaint from surface being,
The deeper Soul accepts its Commission
And welcomes both Growth and Challenge in Humility
Accepting that, in Truth,
There Is Really No Alternative.



-Phil Richardson


Phil RichardsonPHIL RICHARDSON is an international speaker and teacher who invites people to reconnect with their deeper innate spiritual awareness and to bring that awareness into their everyday lives.






5 Responses to Alternative to this Apparent Impossibility

  1. Dear Phil,

    Thank you for your inspiring words and open Spirit of clarity. Im hoping a peaceful resolve is created at Standing Rock – Im calling it Sacred Rock too as I feel its a Sacred connection thats developing Globally – I hope Christmas will find a clear solution for a place of Peace to begin – to put down all the angst and see a way towards a Loving win win for All.

    Love Karen

  2. Beautiful poem Phil. It represents the current that is moving over the earth initiated by Standing Rock; so important to keep that momentum going and expanding.

  3. Beautiful Phil.
    So important to keep the momentum created by Standing Rock moving and expanding. Your poem voices the strong current that is moving!

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