Author Archives: Gary Goodhue

Divine Identity

  What is divine? The answer is that which is of God. That is you. Go ahead and say it to yourself, “I Am of God. I Am divine.” Do you believe it? This is not an argument of whether or not it is true. The question is about your level of belief and acceptanceContinue Reading

Generation of Grace

  Do you bring grace into your world? One definition of grace is a simple elegance or refinement of movement. Most people immediately think of a ballerina when they think about grace, or being graceful. There is definitely an elegance and a refinement of movement present in the picture of a ballerina, but what about theContinue Reading

Protect and Encourage

  Do you have something so valuable to you that you would do anything to protect it? Is it an object, a person, an ideal, a feeling or a set of beliefs? Whatever it is, you would probably agree that it is irreplaceable in your life. The more that we value something in our life,Continue Reading

Imaginative Thinking

Do you intentionally use your imagination? Most people don’t. The imagination is one of the muscles of the mind. Like all muscles, it gets stronger the more often you use it. It also has muscle memory. This means that it’s not just about consciously using the imagination. How you use the imagination is the mostContinue Reading

Leverage of Loyalty

Leverage of Loyalty

Think about this question…Where does your loyalty lie? When most people think of loyalty, the mind comes up with images of marriage or being in service to someone higher up in a particular hierarchy. These are true examples of loyalty through a relationship dynamic with another person. There is definitely leverage available in these examples. TheContinue Reading